You are looking for a free of charge download of metatrader indicator to improve your trading.Our website provides all the indicator (mq4 and mq5), the system to help the trader have good indicators, systems .
Our Website introduce your: 3D Oscilator Indicator
3D Oscilator Indicator is available as mp4 and mp5 for you choose
to be presuaded I mean,you can check out on the added image.It shows how the indicator will seem like once it is successfully installed in the MT4
If you appreciate this indicator, you can download it at the bottom to experience (would be successful with you)
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3D Oscilator Indicator based on RSI and CCI ,it helps you to identify trends, and current momentum of the market in a fairly accurate
Trading Signals:
Buy:when the yellow line crosses upward the red line.
Sell:when the yellow line crosses down the red line.
Indicator Preference:
Currency pairs:any
Time frame:any
Trading sessions:any
Configurable Indicator Options:

How to use a custom indicator on your charts:
Step1: Dowload the mq4 file into your c:\Prom File\Meta Trader4\MQL4\Indicators
Step 2: Open your MT4
Step 3: Locate the Navigator Panel.
Step 4: On the Navigator ,find custom Indicators .
Step 5:Click Custom indicators ,and you should see your newly installed indicator.
Step 6:Double click the indicator and the Indicator Properties window will appear.
Step 7: Click OK.
Free Download: